Marine oval - shaped cast iron and cast steel pipe flanges 船用扁圆形铸铁和铸钢法兰
Summary of net shape casting and new technology in steel industry 近终形连铸连扎技术及钢铁工业新技术简介一
Special - shaped cast - in - place pile 机控异型灌注桩
Important advantages are still achieved in cycle time reduction and the ability to cast near net shape castings with minimal porosity 最大的优点仍是减少生产周期,并且能铸造出含有最少量气孔的铸件。
Which allows the user to make educational or hobby - oriented items by themselves . these artificial ammonites are manufactured by capturing a photographic image of an ammonite onto the special film and pasting the film onto an ammonite - shaped cast 举一个例子,不可思议的鹦鹉螺化石是自己动手制作的寓教于乐的商品,具体是将鹦鹉螺化石的照片制作为特殊薄膜,将薄膜贴在鹦鹉螺化石形状的铸件上,就做好了一件如同在教材中那样栩栩如生的模型来。